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Christy Bamman - 2024 (450x300)

With GDS since 1993

BA Accounting at Kennesaw State University

Email: Christy Bamman

Phone: 816-759-5206

Explain what you do here at GDS.
I do all of the accounting and human resources.

Why do you enjoy working the engineering/design/construction field?
I enjoy the cyclical aspect of my position, while each project is unique.

What is your favorite work-related memory?
That time a car crashed into my office.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A mom!

Have you ever won a trophy or award?     Probably not ~ unless mother of the year counts!

What inspires you?
My faith.

What accomplishment or award you are most proud of?
My longevity at Gibbens Drake Scott, Inc.

Tell us about your background and why you chose to work at GDS?
GDS is a family business. My father-in-law and husband both worked at Gibbens before I joined the team after finishing college in Georgia.

Tell us about a special talent or a strength you have.
I quilt to fill my free time since becoming an empty nester.

What do you enjoy outside of work?
I enjoy quilting, cooking, eating and wine tastings.

Tell us about a special talent or a strength you have.
Loyal, positive & dependable.