Architect: Bell/Knott & Associates
General Contractor: JE Dunn Construction
382,450sqft. Data Center White Space
28,887kW Total Utility Load
21,800tons Total Chiller Plant Capacity
For more information, click here.
Awards: LEED Gold Certified
QTS Metro Data Center
Atlanta Georgia
Completed in the fall of 2010, this $75 million Tier 3 data center expansion will provide its owners over half a million dollars in energy savings and become one of the few high-tier data centers in the United States that is LEED Gold Certified.
Providing full Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Fire Protection Engineering design services for the 125,000 square foot raised-floor expansion, GDS accomplished this unique feat within budget and on-time through the utilization of its most powerful asset; the sustainable experience of its innovative engineers.
Upon request, GDS can provide a case study detailing how the Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing engineering designs will save this data center more than $750,000 in annual operating expenses.